4 Tips To Help Prevent Pipes Bursting In The Winter At Your Vacation Home
Owning a vacation home on a lake can provide wonderful summer memories, but when winter approaches, a lot of people close up their lake house since it is too cold to enjoy. If you have recently purchased a lake house in an area where it is very cold in the winter, it is important to take several steps to prevent your pipes from freezing and bursting during the winter months when no one is using the residence.
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4 Summer Time Maintenance Tasks That Can Make Your Home Look New Again
Summer means that there is a lot of maintenance that it may be time to get around to. You may want to do improvements that help save energy, but you can also do a lot of things that can improvement your home and give it a new look. Some of the things that you can do can be as simple as pressure washing and staining and sealing exterior wood features. Here are some of the improvements that you may want to consider to make your home look new again:
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Tips For Creating A Backyard Retreat
The yard in the back of your house is typically the most land available for your outdoor living. As such, you want to maximize its use. There are so many activities, from leisure to sports to entertaining, that you want to enjoy outside. Transform your backyard into a retreat to facilitate your outdoor lifestyle. Brainstorm Outdoor Activities The first step to designing your backyard for outdoor living is to determine which outdoor activities are most important to you.
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The Best Drapes For A Baby's Room
Decorating a baby's room is one of the most fun experiences you have in making your home unique. When choosing drapes for your little one, you want to make sure you choose styles that are both effective in blocking out the sun's rays and safe for your baby to be around. Here are tips to choosing the best drapes for your baby's room. Sun and noise protection Blackout drapes are very effective in blocking out the sun's rays and help to protect your baby from harsh sunlight while they are napping.
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How To Build Your Own Fire Pit For Your Backyard
There's nothing better than a cool summer night, sitting by a campfire to keep warm and surrounded by your closest family and friends. You've probably done this at one time or another, but have you done this at your own home? Do you even have a fire pit? You can have your own fire pit, built all by yourself, to enjoy with your family and friends. See below for instructions to build your own fire pit.
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Live In The Country And Worried About Power Loss? What To Do To Prepare For Storms
If you are worried that your home is so far out in the country that it could be difficult for help to get back there during a big storm, you want to make sure that you have some of the necessities needed to survive. You can protect your home and your family at the same time. You want to make sure that everyone can stay healthy and functional until the power is restored.
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3 Great Ways To Remove Pet Odors From Your Home
If you have a pet inside and have noticed that the smell of pet odor is beginning to overwhelm your home, then it is time to take action. There are multiple smells having pets in your home create, with the worst being urine. However, just because you have this smell in your home currently doesn't mean you can't get rid of it. There are certain things you can do to reduce and even eliminate the smell of pet odor in your home and this article will discuss 3 of these things.
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How A Water Softener Can Affect How Your Water Tastes
If you discover that your water is really hard, you might find that it is difficult to wash your hair and that the hard water is uncomfortable. Installing a water softener is the best way to eliminate the problem of hard water. The water softener is not supposed to affect the flavor of your water. However, there are some situations where a water softener can worsen or improve how your water tastes.
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Add An Etched Border Around Your Bathroom Vanity's Mirror
Add a decorative border around your bathroom's vanity mirror with stencils and etching cream. The following steps will teach you how to transform a plain mirror into one that is decorative and appealing to look at. Materials glass cleaner lint-free cloths self-adhesive stencils ruler disposable gloves face mask etching cream plastic bowl mixing stick paintbrushes (various sizes) bucket of warm water sponge trash bag Remove Residue From The Mirror And Attach Stencils
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What Every Expectant Parent Needs To Know About The Ph Of Their Home Water Supply
If you are expecting a baby soon, you are probably getting your home ready for your bundle of joy. But don't stop at getting the nursery together and baby-proofing your home. There is another important thing that needs to be considered: the pH level of your home's water supply. Here's why it's important and what you need to know to protect your baby's skin and how it can lower their chance of developing asthma.
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