7 Landscaping Tips to Save Money and Work
Posted on: 14 July 2015
Saving money and having a beautiful yard are not mutually exclusive ideas. While it might call for some extra attention, there are many ways you can create and maintain a budget-friendly yard no matter how large or small.
- Use Local Foliage. For the best results, focus on native plants and shrubs because these are the most likely to thrive in your own climate. They will require less maintenance, less fertilizer, and less pesticides to protect.
- Plant Smart. Avoid impulse buying of the wrong kinds of plants for each area of your yard. Working with a local professional landscaper can help you determine what types of plants and grasses will work best in your yard. Be sure to test the soil in order to achieve the best success rate and avoid spending money and time removing and replacing unsightly plants.
- Mulch. Help keep your plants healthy by mulching often. It saves on water and cuts down on weeding. Many communities offer curbside pickup of lawn waste, which is often then turned into free mulch available to citizens. Look into such programs in your area. Alternatively, keep an eye out for chances to buy mulch in bulk to save half the cost or more.
- Green Options. Save money and water by exploring alternatives to traditional fescue lawns. Green mosses thrive in shady areas. Clover requires less water and adds nitrogen to lawns when mixed into your grass.
- Prune and Weed. Keeping trees, shrubs and plants trimmed back makes them look nicer and prevents harmful overgrowth. Many varieties require regular pruning in order to thrive, saving you from having to replace unhealthy ones.
- Leave Grass Longer. Mowing not only results in short grass above the ground but also small root systems underneath. Leave your lawn 2 to 2 1/2 inches tall for the best result. You can water less often and it helps keep weeds from taking root and crowding out your grass.
- Don't Collect Clippings. Unless you have a problem yard, the grass clippings can be a free way to mulch your lawn by leaving them where they fall. Likewise, instead of bagging and putting those fall leaves out by the curb, chop them up with your lawnmower and use them for mulch or to start a compost pile if you don't have one already.
The trick to saving time and money is to research what your yard can support and what your plants need to be at their healthiest without a lot of intervention. Armed with knowledge that includes these tips and a good landscape maintenance schedule, you'll be enjoying your greenery for years to come.